The use of various types of fertilizers together with micromites

The use of various types of fertilizers with micromite in combination is because most of the soil used for planting often has problems with both the fertility of plant nutrients and some physical properties, such as being hard and compact soil that is not friable, causing infiltration of water well, or being soil with a very sandy texture, not holding water, not absorbing fertilizers, and easily eroding. The use of chemical fertilizers for a long time destroys microorganisms in the soil. Therefore, it is better to use chemical fertilizers or organic fertilizers together with micromite in combination rather than using only one type of chemical fertilizer or organic fertilizer. This is because using both types of fertilizers together with micromite appropriately will help improve and nourish the soil to have better physical properties and soil fertility at the same time and be better than before in a sustainable and long-term way. Micromite helps to capture minerals in the fertilizer to dissolve slowly and contain the micronutrients that plants need, thus helping the various systems of the plants to function better.