Aquatic animals and crustaceans It is generally recommended to add 0.5% Micromite to the feed mixture (5 kg per ton). Cow We recommend adding Micromite 0.5% (5 kg/ton) of the total prepared food ingredients.
A maximum of 2% (20 kg/ton) may be added.
Sheep For livestock fed complete feed, we generally recommend adding 0.5% (10 lbs./ton) of total feed ingredients to a maximum of 2% (40 lbs./ton) in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices or Feeding Guidelines.
Pig For livestock fed complete feed, we generally recommend adding 0.5% (5 kg/ton) of total feed ingredients to a maximum of 2% (20 kg/ton).
Poultry For poultry fed formula feed, we recommend adding 0.5% (5kg/ton) of total feed ingredients to a maximum of 2% (20kg/ton).
Feeding shrimp with Micromite
Mixing micromite in shrimp feed helps to supplement minerals that are essential for shrimp growth, making shrimp grow faster, have stronger shells, reduce mortality, and help balance the water quality in the pond to be suitable for shrimp farming.